Where Are You In The Digital Workflow?

July 5, 2017

Digital technology in the laboratory is most decidedly not a one-size-fits-all solution. Nor is it ever finished, as new software and upgraded hardware are constantly being introduced.

Rather, a digital workflow is a continuum with an array of solutions and options that work together in countless configurations. The key is to identify the components and their connections that will truly enhance your laboratory productivity. There are different ways to be involved with today’s technology and take steps along the way.


  • The advancement of digital communication has been invaluable to the dental team for planning cases and the successful delivery of complex treatment.


  • Centralized virtual information-sharing platforms serve as a host for all members to upload information to one location, minimizing potentially expensive miscommunication.


  • These devices are able to take several shade samples simultaneously, breaking the samples down into cervical, middle, and incisal thirds to offer the restorative team an accurate assessment of tooth color.


  • Populate data for CAD software just minutes after the doctor has taken the impression. Digital impressions eliminate human error; ultimately saving time and money in the end.


  • The development of Internet-based portals for submitting case information provides an opportunity for convenient comprehensive dentist-to-laboratory communication and also serves as a conduit for clinicians to access their specific account data.


  • Gives technicians flexibility in their material choices to deliver exceptional durable, lifelike restorations with consistency and predictability.


  • Provides in-house capability to design, plan, prototype, or produce functional elements for diverse dental applications.

The solutions are available and open to all. Read more on the best reasons to go digital here.

Thanks for reading,

Your Zirlux Crew

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